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Perioperative Management Following Thoracolumbar Spinal Fusion: An Assessment of Global Practice, Part 2 | Deformity

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Significant variability and controversy exist in the post-operative management of patients undergoing major spinal instrumented surgeries. While surgeons have preferences in the management of their patients, little consensus exists in relation to the timing and type of antibiotic use, dressing type and duration, use of drains, and return to regular and more advanced activities. In this SRS webinar, in partnership with AO Spine, we will review the literature related to post-operative care of spinal deformity patients and highlight current trends of practice and areas of controversy that may be amenable to future study.

Target Audience:

Surgeons performing spinal deformity surgeries, and trainees and other health care providers involved in the perioperative management of spinal deformity patients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. After this webinar, learners will be able to recognize the current literature, controversies, and international trends related to post-operative management of spinal deformity patients.
  2. After this webinar, learners will be able to identify patient factors that may affect perioperative management.
Price: $0.00